A Month in Panama

Panama FlagJust now it is exactly one month since I arrived to Panama. Time goes by so quickly…

I spent over a week in Panama City (not that it would be that much interesting, just I got food poisoning much sooner than expected), over 2 weeks in Playa Venao (not that it would be enough to learn surfing) and slowly made it through some interesting places all the way to the mountains in the west – Boquete. Some of the stories I still have to write down here.

Anyway 31 days of fun passed really quickly. But there are a few more months ahead :-)

It is a time to check the budget too. I have spent a total of 22 000 CZK ($1200). This includes all of my expenditures here (and the beer, etc.), but does neither include flight to Latin America nor insurance. Panama is supposed to be one of the more expensive countries on my way (although not as much as Costa Rica) so this is not too bad. Even when I add what I’m loosing on the difference between the mortgage I’m paying and rent I’m receiving, it is still less than what I would have spent at home for the same time (including housing, the beer, etc.).